Firmsme Now Has a Google Info Post in Search Results |News| November 2021

rOur Company shows up like this now in Google Search (for free)

The Firmsme Google business information post is now showing up in the search results. Firmsme created the profile a week ago and confirmed our address this week and the post is now live!

The post from Google Business shares our business website and updates of the business. It is another location for you to find our website domain link and to find information about Firmsme.

Once we have a larger office, we will have our exact location on the Firmsme map. You can reach Firmsme through our Email.

Firmsme created a web project called If-I-was-queen yesterday. Today we spent four hours creating the twitter feed posts to drop all day. The QueenTweeter feed posts 12 times a day (every two hours) and most of the content is original. The site is a persona and for now, the tweeter is focused on sharing information from Google News.

This is an example of one of the posts:

Example of a Queentweeter tweet –

Trefuly LTD, purchased another domain name for GWJ . We are looking to see which name reaches the first page for the generic search – Goes With Jeans. We have to be on the first page on a general search and at this time “goes with jeans” gets a hit but not goes with jeans.

November 2, 2021 – Word Clouds & Google Ranking | Day 5

This is a word cloud created by Firmsme for sharing on social media. A word cloud image shares keywords in a visual format. This Keyword word cloud image is from my work notes while I was reading the newspaper.

Word Cloud created from news on November 1, 2021 for Firmsme by AlterEgoWords

We started creating Word Clouds with our sister project AlterEgoWords. We will continue making word clouds to share on social media channels.

I Checked our ranking on Google Search words this morning. For the Search FirmSME we come up first. Our goal is for Firmsme to control the first page of the Google search and to have as many organic links as possible.

Organic is good. It means we worked our way through spider searches. (Elbow grease SEO)

Launch Day 2 | Firmsme Designs a Card | Works on Subscribe Page

Design Business Card – Estimated cost for 250 is £50

Today Firmsme designed a business card on Vistaprint but did not order them. As a small company, creating a presence on the internet, business cards are important and on my to budget list.

The final price 2021 for 250 business cards £42 not including postage

From my experience, clients and customers will keep your card so it does not hurt to make them and give them to people you meet in person.

Created using Vistaprint template as a start

Since I know business cards are important, I took a screenshot of the card I designed and I will order it in the next few months. Until I have them printed, I will keep a digital version on my website and send the digital version to local businesses. The Firmsme business card has all the correct contact information for Firmsme and states what Firmsme does.

To make the card, I used a template on Vistaprint. If you have a business with a service or a specific product and a tight budget, a business card with your product name or your company name will look great on their templates and will not take you long to create. I spent less than thirty minutes designing mine and decided if I wanted to buy it today.

I will buy them later.

Working on Firmsme website essentials takes priority on October 31, 2021

For November & December, Firmsme is spending money on web essentials:

  • Website content to share (word and images for website pages & blogs )
  • Internet visibility to attract clients (website, Google search )
  • Communication channels to connect with clients/customers (email, newsletter, chat)
  • Development of social media channels (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest)
Firmsme essential communication tool – Newsletter/Blog/News Updates

If you would like assistance with webs essentials, please connect with us.