Trefuly LTD supports the blogs and is using Storey Tarris’s photographs for some of the images. BB Clark has permission to sell diamonds purchased for the GWJ POC.
Image of Brilliant Diamonds taken by Storey Tarris UK for Dr. Emmy Horstkamp July 2024
We added Sneakerinvestor to the Goes with Jeans project. In October we proved concept for GWJ but our initial asset available for investment purchase is not enough for a full portfolio.
Sneaker Investor allows GWJ to create investments for purchase by Female investors. The investments being created are long-term investment assets packaged for purchase by investors.
We are using a shared work environment while commuting from the Fire Swamp. Our main space is in Cambridge and starting in February, we will be using London shared spaces while becoming experts in evaluation of one of our investment assets.
Choosing investments for female investors is one of our focuses for phase II. Trefuly started with one specific investment asset which is lucrative but not easy to insure as inventory. For the future, we decided we needed investments that are for every savings level and budget and easy to insure.
Do you know what is your savings comfort level? I’m currently testing a £20 a month or a £150 lump sum yearly investment for a long term asset. There are many businesses who use digital assets as part of their business income. Digital assets have been on the market for more than thirty years and are a lucrative area when focused and maintained.
This year, I’m checking to see if the asset will work as another stable investment for the female investor. Would you invest £150 towards your retirement and a steady stream of income? Lets find out what we can do with £20 for the female investors interested in long term investments generating income for their retirements.
Our test site for the asset development is starting with:
We now have three links on google search. Two links refer directly to FirmSME and are the first and second on Google. We will continue to build some of the other social media feeds this month using information we have been adding to the website and our web projects.
We are not purchasing links but letting the website grow organically. It is important for FirmSME that the top links on the first page refer to FirmSME or our projects and we will be working this month to add another two links.
I decided to use two different methods for creating an online presence for the websites Firmsme and Queentweeter.
Both websites are registered with Google and have a Google Identity that has been verified. For FirmSME, I worked on writing on the blog to increase the content for Google to search and on QueenTweeter, I used the Twitter feed to build up a presence on Google through hashtags and tweets.
I found that if I posted regularly on the blog, Google did not ask me if I was looking for another website but that when I did not post, Google asked me if I was looking for something else.
This means that blog content must be kept current each week for the search to find my website relevant. I’m not sure how often a website needs to post and add content but I’m going to post on a regular basis and link the websites when appropriate.
The original idea was to add updates about FirmSME’s development but now that we noticed this Google issue, we are going to post something new each week that pertains to and the web projects associated with FirmSME.
rOur Company shows up like this now in Google Search (for free)
The Firmsme Google business information post is now showing up in the search results. Firmsme created the profile a week ago and confirmed our address this week and the post is now live!
The post from Google Business shares our business website and updates of the business. It is another location for you to find our website domain link and to find information about Firmsme.
Once we have a larger office, we will have our exact location on the Firmsme map. You can reach Firmsme through our Email.
Firmsme created a web project called If-I-was-queen yesterday. Today we spent four hours creating the twitter feed posts to drop all day. The QueenTweeter feed posts 12 times a day (every two hours) and most of the content is original. The site is a persona and for now, the tweeter is focused on sharing information from Google News.
Trefuly LTD, purchased another domain name for GWJ . We are looking to see which name reaches the first page for the generic search – Goes With Jeans. We have to be on the first page on a general search and at this time “goes with jeans” gets a hit but not goes with jeans.
Today google no longer offered alternative suggestions of what I might be looking for when I typed the word Firmsme. My company Trefuly LTD which owns Firmsme showed up on page 2 of the Google search. So five days into the project, we have two Google hits for Firmsme.
We have one 1 organic hit on the first page of Google and one 5 organic hit on the second page.
I added information about cryptocurrency to and created another web site called which is a cryptocurrency token asset site. Tokens are a way for businesses to fund their business and give their investors a real sense of ownership.
I figured out that I needed to schedule 8 posts a day for twitter. I picked the categories for the posts and will start sharing content on those 8 categories tomorrow.
For Firmsme, I’m creating a token series that uses peapodpen as an asset for the token. The NFT tokens will be on certain pages of the website and will increase in value as the value of the website increases. As of today, the value of the domain without website is about £2000. With the website, social media channels and google ranking, the site will be significantly more. By selling NFTs, Firmsme will be able to invest in office space and staff.
Word Cloud created today as I researched Cryptocurrency for FirmSme and PeaPodPen