Diamonds on Amazon UK were Natural not Defense Diamonds

Firmsme put TrefuGems on hold while waiting for a declaration from the Monarchy about the gemstones purchased through Amazon UK.

The Sovereign Empress informed the public that after inspection, the diamonds in the Trefugems inventory are in fact natural diamonds and not defense department defense diamonds.

The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann declared this month that the gems found on Amazon UK while teaching an investment class are natural diamonds and not defense diamonds.

The diamonds purchased on Amazon UK range in price from £150 to £2,000,000 and are of a high investment quality.

Trip to Mars POC

For Health Storey, the Firmsme team is doing a self-study based on a one year trip to mars. The POC associated with the self-study focuses on detoxing over an extended period of time to remove environmental toxins that are in our environment that we are unable to avoid.

The verification of Collagen supplements is ongoing.

The poc diary for the health coach is at Getting Rid of Donuts.

POC Update for Health Storey – Day 50/120

POC of Health Storey detox completed 30/60 days. The detox system works without issue although people are willing to stop at 30. We found a new Detox focus for Health Storey which requires a 90 day cycle instead of 60. The Book will now have three phases Phase I (30 days), Phase II (Crazy 8), and Phase III (120 days).

Update of POC Health Storey Detox Programs

Health Storey – NEW POC PROJECT

Dr. Horstkamp is working on a new POC. is a wellness plan website focused on online detox plans with companion books. The first detox plan is Crazy Eight Detox and launches in 2025.

Dr. Horstkamp is a trained advisor, wellness, health and life coach. The book Crazy Eight Detox accompanies the online course. Health Storey courses and books are educational and do not offer medical advice to readers but are an educational guide and resource for detoxing for 90 to 180 days.

The book and website content focus on life long learners and medical professionals wanting to offer detox services to their clients.

New Project for Trefuly LTD – TrefuGems

Trefuly LTD has a new project for the platform GWJ | GoesWithJeans called Trefugems. The project focuses on identification reports for natural diamonds establishing provenance for a diamond purchased in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Horstkamp approved the purchase of gemstones that are documented by cutters and wholesalers and examination as diamonds.

The provenance for the stones begins with a TrefuGem identification affadavit stating the stones have been identified as natural diamonds and have been purchased in the United Kingdom.


  • The POC for Trefugems focuses on the provenance of natural diamonds.
  • The provenance of a lab diamond is established by the company growing the diamond.
  • A natural diamond purchased through wholesalers will be marked.
  • An artificial diamond will not be examined by Trefugems.
  • Natural diamonds may be contaminated by industrial pollution, defense initiatives, and unknown substances from earth or space (space diamonds).
  • Storey Tarris UK photographed the diamonds for the website. She is a German national and German IP law protects the photographs.

Firmsme Book Series

Our main publishing person is taking a summer holiday through Europe so all publishing projects are postponed until her return. We are excited that Storey is going on an adventure the Salaterre project and look forward to adding to our digital image investment bank. Have fun Storey!

Day 730:(ish) Firmsme & Goes With Jeans |GWJ|

Goes with Jeans proved concept October 2024.

Dear Universe. It is day 730 and almost 700. It has been more than 700 days since my last blog post on the company blog letting the internet know about work.

First, stealth mode is annoying. I proved concept without most people knowing what I was working on. We kept the content of GWJ in fashion while proving concept because I did not need the website to prove the business model but I needed Google to find the domain name.

Now that the concept has been proven, the website is pivoting content. The fashion content is being used to create definitions for female investors. Our business model focuses on female investors who are interested in long term investments that are stable and black label.

Second, the GWJ project is still bootstrapped and financed by Dr. Horstkamp & Dr. Kern. My current budget is so lean, I’m working at one of those office sharing locations and avoiding Starbucks.

About Our Investors

Dr. Horstkamp is a lawyer with more than ten years of experience proving business concepts

Dr. Holger Kern is a finance geek with more than twenty years of consumer finance experience. 

Together Dr. Horstkamp and Dr. Kern have bootstrapped a new FinTech company idea that helps consumers add investing into their monthly budgets.

FirmSME December Update

We now have three links on google search. Two links refer directly to FirmSME and are the first and second on Google. We will continue to build some of the other social media feeds this month using information we have been adding to the website and our web projects.

We are not purchasing links but letting the website grow organically. It is important for FirmSME that the top links on the first page refer to FirmSME or our projects and we will be working this month to add another two links.

We will also be working on:

FirmSME Organic Links December 5 2021

Goes With Jeans – Beginning to Add text to image posts.