POC of Health Storey detox completed 30/60 days. The detox system works without issue although people are willing to stop at 30. We found a new Detox focus for Health Storey which requires a 90 day cycle instead of 60. The Book will now have three phases Phase I (30 days), Phase II (Crazy 8), and Phase III (120 days).
Trefuly LTD has a new project for the platform GWJ | GoesWithJeans called Trefugems. The project focuses on identification reports for natural diamonds establishing provenance for a diamond purchased in the United Kingdom.
Dr. Horstkamp approved the purchase of gemstones that are documented by cutters and wholesalers and examination as diamonds.
The provenance for the stones begins with a TrefuGem identification affadavit stating the stones have been identified as natural diamonds and have been purchased in the United Kingdom.
The POC for Trefugems focuses on the provenance of natural diamonds.
The provenance of a lab diamond is established by the company growing the diamond.
A natural diamond purchased through wholesalers will be marked.
An artificial diamond will not be examined by Trefugems.
Natural diamonds may be contaminated by industrial pollution, defense initiatives, and unknown substances from earth or space (space diamonds).
Storey Tarris UK photographed the diamonds for the website. She is a German national and German IP law protects the photographs.
Today google no longer offered alternative suggestions of what I might be looking for when I typed the word Firmsme. My company Trefuly LTD which owns Firmsme showed up on page 2 of the Google search. So five days into the project, we have two Google hits for Firmsme.
We have one 1 organic hit on the first page of Google and one 5 organic hit on the second page.
I added information about cryptocurrency to Firmsme.com and created another web site called peapodpens.com which is a cryptocurrency token asset site. Tokens are a way for businesses to fund their business and give their investors a real sense of ownership.
I figured out that I needed to schedule 8 posts a day for twitter. I picked the categories for the posts and will start sharing content on those 8 categories tomorrow.
For Firmsme, I’m creating a token series that uses peapodpen as an asset for the token. The NFT tokens will be on certain pages of the website and will increase in value as the value of the website increases. As of today, the value of the PeaPodPen.com domain without website is about £2000. With the website, social media channels and google ranking, the site will be significantly more. By selling NFTs, Firmsme will be able to invest in office space and staff.
Word Cloud created today as I researched Cryptocurrency for FirmSme and PeaPodPen
We decided to share the creation process of our company to give you a real time example of a company launch on the internet and how long it takes to develop a valuable Google presence on the internet. Each day we will share with you where we are located on Google & what we are doing to create FIRMSME.
Dot Com Domain Name for the Company
Today we purchased the domain name FIRMSME.
We chose a Dot Com because our business model is not regional. Our company is based in the UK but our customers and clients may be anywhere that deals with our advisors. We suggest you make your domain name as SEO friendly as possible. FirmSME uses two terms that are used in business but when made into one word not in the dictionary.
Having a domain name like FIRMSME gives you an advantage when creating a site you are going to keep. The name Firmsme is not in the dictionary and has no defined meaning. We have stated that Firmsme means a company that launches business plans, advises business owners and provides business support.
If you purchased a domain name like goeswithjeans.com (GWJ), you will need patience in achieving a higher google ranking. The GWJ website will take more than six months to reach the first page in a google search for the term goes with jeans. The GWJ site is very SEO specific and the brand is focused on fashion with all posts having to do with denim or fashion. Here is an example of six months work:
Six months adding content to website and InstagramFirst day of Firmsme on Google…. Nothing. Google even thinks I have made a mistake.
You can start working on your website’s internet presence before you start your company as long as you are transparent about what you are doing. If you have no clue what to call your company, we can help you make that decision.
After choosing a domain name, a company will create a landing page (a one page website) for the domain.
Because we create websites and blogs for work, we set up a full website from day one. If your full website requires a product for launch, we suggest you create a sister site with a blog to build up the domain while your final site is being created. FIRMSME can help you with this.
FIRMSME does not need build complicated websites from scratch. We use WordPress and generic themes & plugins. (most of these will not cost you extra money and are well made.)
Cost of Domain and Website
The cost of website space is approximately £10 a month and the SSL is about £25 pounds a year (This is the little lock next to the domain name which says your site is safe to visit.)
The cost of Firmsme.com was £10 and we will need to pay this each year for the use of the domain name. This price must be paid every year and if you fail to pay, you lose the domain name. We have these two costs built into our business model.
Social Media Accounts Created
Today we created an Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & Tik Tok & Google business account for Firmsme. There is nothing on them but we will begin adding content in our fields of expertise.